A crown for the king, 70x100cm, mixed media on canvas, 2025Available, Gallery Rodler Gschwenter Vienna
the box on the lake, 100X130cm, mixed media on canvas 2024Available, Gallery Rodler Gschwenter Vienna
Butterfly and metaphor, 50x70cm, mixed media on canvas, 2022Available, Gallery Rodler Gschwenter Vienna
Followers surf and bird, 90x130cm, mixed media on canvas, 2022Available, Gallery Rodler Gschwenter Vienna
Pic nique with jumping whales, 100x140cm, mixed media on canvas, 2021Available, Gallery Babel São Paulo
Idoles never die in paradise, 195x140cm, mixed media on canvas, 2021Gallery Gare82 Brescia, Available
This time when the pelicans got hungry, 80x120cm, mixed media on canvas (2019)Gallery Gare82 Brescia, Available
Me too I wanted a blue tiger for my birthday, 130x90cm, Acrylic and oil on canvas (2020)Private collection
Fixing up flamingos, 100x140cm, mixed media on canvas (2020)Available, Gallery Rodler Gschwenter Vienna
Les enfants autruche, 100x100cm, mixed media on canvas (2019)Available, Gallery Rodler Gschwenter Vienna
will you do it? Teddybear, wood, 70x25x25cm, unique piece (2018)Available, Installation and Objects, My studio Budapest
« Good luck kid » : white puzzle 1000 pieces 68x49cm, serie of 3 + 2 artist proofs (2015)Available, Installation and Objects, My studio Budapest, Brazil 2012-15
Untitled, wolf trap and crayola, serie of 3 (2016)Available, Installation and Objects, My studio Budapest
Nostalgia, glass, wood swing and rope. various sizes serie of 3 + 2 artists proofsAvailable, Installation and Objects, My studio Budapest
rocking horse (2016), serie of 3 + 2 artists proofsAvailable, Installation and Objects, My studio Budapest
Sketch for installation, sweet Easter. Various sizes of traps and colored eggs.Available, My studio Budapest
Little games: pink bear with bird. 90x140cm. Oil and acrylic on canvas (2016)Available, My studio Budapest
« Il était une fois », Cutted and painted canvas, partially printed paper. Variable sizes (2014)Private collection, Installation and Objects
« history, story, history », 2 old chairs, 1 old table, 1 old axe, 1 pair of white gloves, diptyque with tropical forest (2x180x130cm) (2014).Private collection, Installation and Objects
« Fairytales tracks », 1 old armchair, destroyed toys, 1 Prologue.Private collection, Installation and Objects
« transmission », 250 paperplanes made of French, Portuguese, Hungarian fairytales books, 1 countryside table, 4 chairs, 1 fishing net (2014).Available, Installation and Objects
contamination portrait 110x165cm, Oil on photograph (2014).Private collection, Project with Rogerio Mesquita
contamination portrait 110x165cm, Oil on photograph (2014).Private collection, Project with Rogerio Mesquita
Contamination portrait, 110x165cm, Oil on photograph (2014).Private collection, Project with Rogerio Mesquita
Contamination portrait, 110x165cm, Oil on photograph (2014).Private collection, Project with Rogerio Mesquita
contamination Portrait, 110x165cm, Oil on photograph (2014).Private collection, Project with Rogerio Mesquita